Off market. Wow! Over One Acre Abandoned 1865 Mansion in Virginia Sold For Only $139,900

  • Location: Jonesville, Virginia
  • Size: 2,784 square feet; 1.6 acres of land
  • Features: 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, cupola, separate barn
  • Price: Sold for $139,900
  • History: Built in 1865 for Judge Orr; previously abandoned for many years before being purchased and restored by current owners
  • Updates: Modernized electrical system

Architectural Details

  • Era and Style: Victorian era, with influences of Gothic Revival and Italianate architecture
  • Original Features: Care taken to preserve the home’s original character, charm, elegance, and distinction
  • Modernizations: Updated windows offering views of rural and small-town America; modernized wiring; walls completed and awaiting customization

Property Features

  • Exterior: Faded paint, misleading about the current condition
  • Interior Spaces: Living room, dining area leading to a sunroom, another sitting room, breakfast parlor, large bedrooms (three with fireplaces, one with an attached bathroom)
  • Special Features: Grand staircase with chandelier, prominent cupola for privacy and views, large screened patio, open deck, wide open shelter
  • Additional Structures: Two-story barn, small servant house/dairy, three porches

Potential Uses and Opportunities

  • Versatility: Suitable for personal residence or commercial ventures like a wedding venue or bed and breakfast
  • Land: Over an acre and a half, relatively flat
  • Unique Selling Points: Unique charm and privacy offered by the cupola; potential for customization and further restoration

Additional Information

  • Responsibility: Buyer or buyer’s agent to verify all information, some obtained from tax records
  • Disclaimer: All information subject to errors and omissions (E&O)