Exploring a 200 Year old Abandoned Plantation Mansion | Most Haunted in the State


Overview of the Episode

  • Location: Southern United States
  • Subject: Investigating an abandoned plantation estate

Historical Background

  • Construction Date: 1824
  • Builder: A Methodist clergyman and planter from Virginia
  • Original Property Size: 1,000 acres
  • History: The property was divided and sold multiple times over the years.

Recent History

  • Last Inhabitants: The house was lived in until about 5-6 years ago.
  • Reason for Abandonment: Renovation efforts proved to be too burdensome for the family.
  • Current State: Abandoned during renovation.

Today’s Exploration Target

  • Location: Another abandoned plantation estate, formerly owned by a state governor.
  • Construction Date: 1835
  • Original Property Size: Over 4,000 acres
  • Features: Includes a family cemetery with tombs dating back to the 1700s.
  • Reputation: Known as one of the most haunted locations in the state.

Paranormal Aspects

  • Television Feature: Appeared on A&E’s Paranormal State.
  • Sightings: Claims of seeing the ghost of the former governor.
  • Personal Experience: No unsettling presence felt, but open to the possibility of hauntings.

Invitation to Explore

  • Join the exploration of this haunted and historical site to uncover what remains.