Home Abandoned Abandoned Wonderful Baroque Castle In The Forest in Austria
- Location and History:
- Situated in Austria, known as “The Forest Castle.”
- Initially a defensive stronghold from the late 12th century.
- Transformed into a mansion in the early 1600s by local nobility, adopting the Baroque architectural style prevalent at the time.
Transformation and Decline
- 20th Century Usage:
- Functioned as both a hotel and restaurant in the 1940s.
- Ceased operations and fell into disrepair by the late 1960s.
- Attempts at Restoration:
- Acquired by a new owner in the mid-2010s with intentions to renovate.
- In the summer of 2016, evidence of renovation efforts was noted, though it seemed to have been abruptly halted for unspecified reasons.
A Dark Tale from the Castle
- Historical Anecdote:
- A story based on a mix of fact and fiction from a book, set during the 1940s.
- Details the discovery of the castle by the author’s parents, fleeing Soviet forces post-World War Two.
- They found the castle abandoned and looted, with the former owners dead near the hunting lodge, watched over by their loyal dogs.
- The narrative suggests the owners committed suicide in despair, though the blend of fact and fiction leaves parts of the story ambiguous.
- Adds a mysterious and somber layer to the history of the Baroque Castle In The Forest.